i know there are many who could join me in a Pinterest Anonymous group. i have been spending
WAY too much time on it - it's a great zone out, especially lately when i haven't wanted to do or think. in fact, i've spent more time looking at things to make than actually making things (i think there's a pin about that).
but even more, it's exciting to put everything that inspires you into one place, on one screen. i've learned things, like, apparently
i love shades of blues and oranges together.
and oh lord i love
my patterns board! apparently i also love geometry.
and apparently
i want a cluttered vintage home.
this board has come in handy as i redecorate the living room... more on that in the future...
and at first, i was all knitting-snob "i already
have favorites on ravelry," but then i found some pins that aren't ON ravelry (dear god, what?!) and realized i could pin things that were not patterns, the
knitting board was on a roll. and apparently i am into gigantic knitting.
i have such a pinterest problem that i just made this post a mini-version of pinterest.
oh, and i almost forgot. following the pinboards of the bloggers i love... i could repin almost everything of
kristina's from
tidytipsy (as if i didn't already know that from reading her blog). and the
queue i have going on there. oh boy. if you are in pinterest, tell me your username! i certainly need more boards to follow.
i have used it mostly for good, but i do have another pinterest problem. when i look under "everything" and i see so much "want," "need," "have to have," "yes, please" i get a little uneasy and remember how much were are all too easily tools of consumerism... i am loving pinterest and so far i think it's just been inspiration and not buyneedhavetohavewantgetitnow, but if i start to turn that ugly corner, my pinterest will go the way of my facebook account...
image via google |
p.s. (thanks to those who wrote kind words to my last post. it makes me feel so much better when people appreciate what it's like when you lose a pet you loved so much and don't think you're crazy because it's just a cat.)