two important friends are having babies any day or month now. like a good faux-aunt (or, faunt, if you will), this is probably the first of many baby projects. i used this mama makes stuff's rockin' baby gown tutorial for this swee' pea gown.
i surprised myself with this one and sewed with jersey without it coming out wavy and woggly and stretched out funny. in fact, the tutorial prepped me for this possibility, and i prepared to be frustrated, and lo and behold, it worked.
not as nice of a result for the sushi roll changing mat and wipes holder i made - i didn't realize that i didn't take pictures before i gave it away, and i wonder if that was accidentally on purpose. i used batting in the changing mat and pretended that if i didn't quilt it it would stay in place, and i washed it and it didn't, and the wipes holder is crooked. i gave them to her anyways so maybe they can be a back up to her back up.