what are the odds? my favorite sweater is a tunic length, oversized cowl by sleeping in snow that i bought at anthropologie 3 or 4 years ago. it's seen better days and i often look at it and wonder how i can revive it, or most often, whether i can knit myself a new one.
well i was in brooklyn this past weekend and stepped into monk (among many thrift stores i browsed that day) and what did i find?!? the exact same sweater, same size, in light grey! what?!?! i couldn't believe it. what are the odds of finding a brand new (it's in new condition) version of your favorite sweater years after you bought the first one? years ago i won a trip to jamaica. i think my luck has to have run out at this point.


i think this also validates my decision to do the majority of my shopping second-hand (socks and underwear aside), which will be a post for another day.